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Se afișează postări din 2010

te cautam!

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i want know where the wind comes from the winds begins in a cave far to the north a young god sleeps in that cave he dreams of a girl and he sighs and the night wind stirs with his breath. i want to know all about you.

a stitch in time with norman wisdom.. fabulos!

" A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" It means that if you have a rip in your clothes you will only have to stitch once unless you wait until it gets bigger, then you will have to stitch 9 more times. It also means that if you have a problem you should take care of it before it turns into a big problem.

.. imi lipsesti

as putea sa uit toate cuvintele, pret gandurilor tale! intista, dar saruta aproape! unde esti tu? unde esti tu iubita mea? uitat, ma uiti, ma uit si eu.. ma uita tu! cautam in zi un zambet si o secunda cu trecut..


my life a total waste! the funny thing about it is that i totally can ignore this, as we always do, us, people! And we call it time.. tu esti acea secunda ce a nascut un arc in octava semn impartirii universului la soapte, intr.o noapte din vise, (vise) roua asternutului diminetii de floare cu nume stiut de soare pana la apus cand coboara gandul si indeamna trupul la olimp, olimpieni cu nisipul nesfarsit, in taina lor de pazitori ai ignorantei noastre.. that we call it time. o secunda ce ascund in sarut! girl.. flower.. simbol.. assasins.. colour.. swing.. the very fabric of time.. time itself!

calatorie de paste.. taiat caisul.. oameni fara sambur..

flower girl