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Se afișează postări din iulie, 2021

I'm running late in chasing you

Fa ra rost caut a te gasi pe strada ta prin parcul tau in orasul tau . .. Te aflu in mintea mea ... si poate ca nu esti tu. Te ating aievea in amintiri vechi ... si poate ca nu sunt eu. De parca nu este nicio zi pentru intamplare cu noi ... aleasa sub nori into this desert of the real.

Este un miros acut de ceai pe alee

D e-as sti unde esti De-as fi unde stai Si pasii stingheri adunati pe alei Ar sti intamplarea te-adune sub tei. E trist orasul E trist fara tine, ploaia mea de mai. I miss you every day. I follow in your footsteps on some alleys from time to time. My heart is yours to keep. I'll keep your heart at a fair rate of exchange. Este un miros acut de ceai pe alee.

some crud operations for life

  INSERT INTO life_in_time_and_space          VALUES (your_heart, your_space); INSERT INTO life_in_time_and_space         VALUES (my_heart, my_space); SELECT you, time, space    FROM life WHERE id=idea_for_life_in_time_and_space UNION ALL SELECT me, time, space    FROM life WHERE id=idea_for_life_in_time_and_space; SELECT life.*,                you.heart, you.thoughts,                me.heart, me.thougths   FROM life INNER JOIN life_in_time_and_space you ON INNER JOIN life_in_time_and_space me ON; UPDATE life        SET us=idea_of_us_in_time_and_space, time=sysdate_with_no_special_formatting, space=somewhere_in_the_Whole_Wide_World_over_the_rainbow_sometimes WHERE id=idea_of_us; DELETE    FROM life WHERE us=not_in_the_same_time_and_space;