Bancha (番茶), a japanese green tea, harvested from the second flush of sencha between summer and autumn (the first flush is harvested for shincha.).. ..a cup at the end of the world.. and the hobbit or maybe the cloud atlas but definitely samsara, liquid sky and frankenweenie.. the event must be an alien intrusion into a personal tea ceremony, a personal illusion of mind over ages, of time clouding space (history), of you and me in the stillness of all earths without us.. a game that eludes rules, story lines, artefacts and magical weaponery or mystical spells in the museum of facts.. facts as holding/emptying the cups and binding/ending the words and worlds.. ..some kind of engagement in the question famously asked in 1974 by Thomas Nagelit: what it was like to be a bat? The point about conscious experience is that there is something . It is like.. to see x, or hear y, or feel z. how about that in the contest of a top chef.. at 21 12 2012 ...
aproape că am uitat şi aceste cuvinte, alte rânduri s-au adunat însă şi trebuie să scap de ele. poate că nu este un moment bine ales însă pare unul potrivit, festiv...aproape acelaşi lucru... timpul pe care eu nu l-am furat, timpul căruia tu nu i-ai simţit lipsa.