in fact we all pay with time and we pay in full.. why people love other people I heard just the other day.. a day i loved by the vanilla frame, the light, the foam cloud with funny shapes, the salty and simple scent of a woman, the unimpaired colour of the sky.. order is some king of enslavement, pay day a bit of potential anarchy.. time is not money after all, and if we pay in time imagine.. imagine all the people.. imagine the derivatives on that we might be the piggy banks and.. how about the change on everything.. how about that.. about the tag on love for you..
aproape că am uitat şi aceste cuvinte, alte rânduri s-au adunat însă şi trebuie să scap de ele. poate că nu este un moment bine ales însă pare unul potrivit, festiv...aproape acelaşi lucru... timpul pe care eu nu l-am furat, timpul căruia tu nu i-ai simţit lipsa.