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mandarin thought.. merovingian lema

"A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring."
"Choice is an illusion, created between those with power, and those without."

what it is in the heart of a dying star.. an arm of an angel, a fallen one or an unfallen one.. an angel rim.
no one should know, anyone should wonder..
the difference between a virgin 19'hd and a whore 20'hd13th
the great gatsby.. the rich people have more time than heart.. words!? just count/account for personal,  small miracles granted with the tea pot.. as damask roses sweet.
sandcastle.. in the sky will show us nothing more than we already know.. oblivion is our destiny.. tidal wave by forces of us and the goal of an expanding/exploding universe on a darwinian approach of.. finding a star.. for you.
a cardcastle.. of the one thru magician of all.. heart.. not so well reasoning with the idea of you not being there/here in all four rooms of it, housing maybe, priceing the time perhaps.. for the space i am in the eternity's fountain blod drop.

deliberative democracy-basically.. funny how time slips away!


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Aviatorilor colt cu Demetriade ... ziua II, ziua III ... sau de ce n-o sa votez nici de data asta

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