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Se afișează postări din septembrie, 2013

thanks for the midnight.. in paris

holographic principle and m-theory.. comentarii peste genericul de inceput.. defazaj cumva nejustificat dar evident ce se poate intampla chiar de la inceputul a ceva, poate replici ramase, costume si decor din spectacolul altei zile sau care va urma..? old sport.. great gatsby replica!! permanenta comparatie cu decorul si personajele virtuale.. a scriitorului (vis sau realitate) am i dreaming!? o realitate virtuala gen existenz dusa la rafinamentul maxim.. poti pasi oricand afara din poveste dar parca nu.. nu.. si nu.. mise-en-scene! gongul de la mizeul noptii, galben, mecanic, pe patru roti sau cu doua limbi construieste visul, culorile si noaptea, the rain with chances of meatballs.. sorry... with morning in paris.. o menajerie demna de un far outer space in the very fabric of the holographic machine that creates the universe we experience with our lives.. a ridiculous story, perhaps.. monstrouse by definition.. an outrageous decomposition of space, time, music and dialogs/mo...

persistenta memoriei vs oblivion or simply forbidden

brain is just a glimpse of time, a ghost of space, a presence in frames over frames heart is an ant in a convex piece and a grain, concave seed of infinite in the very small eye is a holographic interface, master host ultimate haste v2, with long, thin eyelids, pair of two arm is just a piece of junk without your embrace caelia.. counted in pair soul.. soul is a hardworking slave for all the above, that make the creature whole in some of the worlds, lost desert with the fairies and witches of the very large and it is my precious.. wisper.. gollum.. one ring to rule them all..

singularity vs on verge..

on the thin sheet of reality i lost you being lost over a desert of sad thoughts.. on the thick canvas of the blossom mornings i failed in finding you.. efect(!) of the nights when shadows started to fall loud and rised into silence as late lights.. lights of the city.. faded.. as we forgot to love and closed eyes to dreams.. cause(!) of the uncertain past.. a thousand years old, not a thousand years wiser.. nor wilder.. a thousand heads hydra or a thousand souls and hearts over a cold sun.. in march.. we will meet beyond heavens and heavens into another star.. that might be the hypothesis and not the cause of things and nonthings in the most remote universe imaginable in clusters of 'noves dust and bytes of inteligence and stainless steel design.. as childs of quanta and basic grainy heart.. meet me in one(1).. a string theory over a pan's flute of your lips..

crossing.. the event horizon..

Many languages have a specific word for this number: in Ancient Greek it is μύριοι (related to the word myriad in English ), in Aramaic ܪܒܘܬܐ , in Hebrew רבבה ( revava ), in Chinese 萬/万 (Mandarin wàn, Cantonese maan6), in Japanese 万/萬 [man], in Korean 만/萬 [man], and in Thai หมื่น [meun]. via Roman notation deciens mille decies milia  X = 10,000. via

time.. time and space..

thoughts.. thoughts.. space.. lot of space in my idea of an working place under the sun.. time.. time.. memories of a lost and fading sun, above the idea of an working dice under a cloud.. blue amelie you are my soul, i still find drawings rainbowed in wings of an eagle and a star.. you know i know your heart, it bites my mind loading every morning with all the dreams in an overpriced market i lost a second and the sands of time throw me a quarter of a dime.. the fountain or oblivion light the promise of the uncharted water of youth in a place in witch time is space.. you mine

random hearts..

i miss you so damn much tell me why is so i am mindless, i am heartless, i am ghostly, body and soul.. my hearth is a joke, a pocket watch stopped in a broken spring, hidding inside the shadow of memory and for that reason alone a strange mechanism of an ancient era.. a stitch in dye my mind is a hole with horizont event in a lost word of an postapocaliptic language of hunger and thirst.. a war horse one guinea, two.. seven.. greedy sod!.. eight!... eleven giuneas sir! from as good a man as any in this town! so tell me why.. so tell me why.. i miss you so damn much random hearts, tell me why is so

red rose.. gardening in autumn..

a red rose my mind conceived cet soire.. a red rose!! my thoughts, lost in your heart, decided to folow the light.. sun.. all the crisp ideas.. i forgot to bring mind in front of almighty time.. i forgot to bring heart in front of unforgiven space.. i forgot my love.. i forgot! you forgot me.. or i just lost the language of your morning and i'm lost in notime/nospace/nousinsilence.. i forgot!! je vous m'avez tellement manqué ce soir où dans le monde.. où.. tu as pris mon cœur undeva in postistorie sunt doar doua bucati de vis, restul este intamplare si desert.. crezi ca poti alege jumatatea mea de infinit din milionul de asezari ale intamplarii? crezi ca pot intelege jumatatea ta de infinit din milionul de asezari ale intamplarii? a red rose.. the idea of silent sadness/stillness/broken rainbow of cloud god.. gardening in autumn..