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singularity vs on verge..

on the thin sheet of reality i lost you
being lost over a desert of sad thoughts..
on the thick canvas of the blossom mornings i failed in finding you..
efect(!) of the nights when shadows started to fall loud and rised into silence as late lights..
lights of the city.. faded.. as we forgot to love and closed eyes to dreams..
cause(!) of the uncertain past..
a thousand years old, not a thousand years wiser..
nor wilder..
a thousand heads hydra or a thousand souls and hearts over a cold sun.. in march..
we will meet beyond heavens and heavens into another star..
that might be the hypothesis and not the cause of things and nonthings in the most remote universe imaginable in clusters of 'noves dust and bytes of inteligence and stainless steel design..
as childs of quanta and basic grainy heart..
meet me in one(1)..

a string theory over a pan's flute of your lips..


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