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back.. into the future.. two

there are no answers only choices..
back in the joint of memory now.. rheya

a distant colossal time.. towards colour in you
a near deep mechanical weel.. away colour of me

am i alive or dead.. /
witch part.. /
which is none the less an error.. /
part 2.. / part 1, of course.. /

now what if.. what if there were only answers, no choices and no memory over time, spaceing all of us in frames by shades of dorian gray
what if there were no life what so ever, no death and.. that means.. no answers.. /

but again what if there were no heart(s) but clocks, indestructible sand of no time, gold of(and) evergreen space over mighty go(l)d of raindrops fom stars guts or star gates.. and there were no hunger games, with us, what then.. /

why do we ever even try to understand.. /
for answers / for knowledge / instinctively or suicidally / for just fun / accidentally or by profession as hunters and incidentally as baits.. / 

for a lighthouse between the raindrops.. // i don't think so. just a thought. //


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