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.. think quest

the secret of Schrödinger's cat is a very simple catch..
if you have 4-5 years old and obviously know the very course of the magic, fairies, pirates and motor cars as the/a standard and/or a joke
the dude (Schrödinger) is the hat, he is not the cat, he is in the hat with all the rabits (we might want to point here to phi 1.618 and the other (Fibonaci) dude's sequence of... that is right.. rabits)
to make a point here.. then who will do the magic.. !?
no other than the dude from the hat.. the magic dude..
pull out a rabit mister mistery, might and magic dude..
use the magic wand, the rod made of wood, stone, ivory or metals like gold or silver..
use our dreams..
alice's friends...
dinah the cat, the mad hatter, the queen of hearts..
the white rabbit or the cheshire cat..

pull you out from the hat..
pull out the hat..

we will gain the truth inside us, over the rules and laws, or we will live and die by the clock

.. notime, what so ever, might be the secret of all the space imaginable..
.. it might be no simple solution to that equation of life squared!!
take five!!


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