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the four is one or another musketeers story..

the four is one
and the two is not three
so` the rest doesn't matter?

matter is the language we speak in
the lost word we can`t find but it`s there
the lost world we should be afraid of
matter is the soul we pull&bear..

the four is one
but the two is not three
so` if the statement isn`t true then what about the rest of the time in the rest of the space and sand..
who the fuck is the One who blowing up the balloon with the coins on it? who in all the heavens and the hells beyond the middle earth and the star-far earth and the blue or dark or near red spectrum earth.. and so on.. and on.. who?

the number 23 ..strange story in a good movie!
i think that the book wrote the man and not the other way around..


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Aviatorilor colt cu Demetriade ... sau dupa amiaza de septembrie intr-un cartier cochet ... sau de ce n-o sa votez nici de data asta..

Dupa amiaza de septembrie. Cartier cochet. Un buletin va rog, ati trecut pe rosu. Eu schitand o grimasa in cotul gurii, zic: Pardon n-am vazut! M-am uitat in ambele parti, nu trecea nimeni si am trecut. Sunt doar doi pasi si s-a facut si verde chiar cand treceam. Un buletin va rog, nu m-ati vazut? Nu! Daca m-ati fi vazut ati mai fi trecut? Cred ca nu! Nu spune nimic. Pesemne ca era raspunsul corect!? O sa primiti un avertisment, bombane mai departe, deja scriind date de pe CI-ul pe care l-a infipt profesionist in partea de sus a mapei ca pe un semn de carte, in formularul dedicat. Ma rog nu-i treaba mea, iti faci meseria, zic. Mi se pare totusi ca faci exces de zel. De cand ne tutuim, intreaba pedant? Pai nu te-ai prezentat ii zic! Agent Xyz Alexandru spune reparand eroarea. Salut, Domnule Agent Alexandru, zic intorcand pedanteria! Termina rapid de completat formularul si mi-l intinde. Aici si aici! Semnez. Si ce sa fac cu asta, intreb? Nimic, imi raspunde, e

te cautam!

foreshadow.. or the watchers of the sky

in fact we all pay with time and we pay in full.. why people love other people I heard just the other day.. a day i loved by the vanilla frame, the light, the foam cloud with funny shapes, the salty and simple scent of a woman, the unimpaired colour of the sky.. order is some king of enslavement, pay day a bit of potential anarchy.. time is not money after all, and if we pay in time imagine.. imagine all the people.. imagine the derivatives on that we might be the piggy banks and.. how about the change on everything.. how about that.. about the tag on love for you..